SCHiM Title Screen

SCHiM Review

Introduction The game SCHiM was released on July 18, 2024 on all of the major platforms. The Steam version is the version I will be reviewing today. SCHiM was developed by Ewoud van der Werf and Nils ...

7 Good

RimWorld: A Sci-Fi Colony Sim Masterpiece

RimWorld is crafted by Ludeon Studios, and the mastermind behind it is Tynan Sylvester. This indie company really shows what a small but passionate team can do with enough dedication and attention to ...

9.4 Amazing
Rockhead Games

Interview With Rockhead Games: Who They Are and What We Can Expect

Below is the transcript of the interview between myself and Rodrigo “Chips” Schanrberg, the executive producer at Rockhead Studios. They have worked on titles such as Starlit Advantures— check o...

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