The Great Perhaps

I finished all of it and then repeated it again.

Story follows an austronaut that was in space when disaster strikes the planet. In cryosleep, he wakes up 100 years later in complete sorrow for his loved family that is now gone. With the help of an AI called L9 he doesn’t quit however, they go back to Earth somewhere in Russia where he finds a special lantern that can send him back to the past.

From there on, all Kosmos thinks about is the possible chance he has now to save the planet and his family and he won’t ever stop trying, not when there is a “perhaps”.

Gameplay wise it’s very simple but sometimes not very obvious on what you need to do next and that’s good. We jump between the present and the past, grab a key or any other item and take it with us to the present or the other way around so we can proceed.

Both the sound effects and the soundtrack make you feel every moment of nostalgia, despair and hope. The creeping scary sound that plays everytime this dark shadow pops after you, I felt every second of tension from it!

The voice acting was good also and it gives you even more layers to every character.


“The Great Perhaps” to my understanding has a fixed timeline, at the end I thought that even the lantern existing was part of an event in the future that we just didn’t get to see. Maybe it was… but maybe it wasn’t…? I would love a sequel with the other side of the story!

A great experience you shouldn’t miss out on and while it is short with less than 2 hours worth of gameplay it is so much memorable, it might just stay close to your heart for a long time. Perhaps this review will have you giving a chance to “The Great Perhaps”.

All achievements on 1st playthrough

Thank you so much to the developers at Caligari Games and the publisher Drageus Games for trusting us with this review.

The Great Perhaps









  • Immersive world
  • Challenging puzzles
  • Memorable ending
  • Original storytelling


  • Short

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1 Comment

  1. I completely agree, this was a great game. The story, while short, is amazing, and will stay in your mind long after you complete the game!


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