Zhed (Switch)

User Rating: 5.5

This unique puzzler from Ground Control Studios, carries that perfect mix of simplicity, and yet, an uncanny and often baffling habit of getting un-easy rather quick!

The aim of each level is to get to the goal block(white block with the dot) by following the instructions on each subsequent block leading up to it. Players can hold the A button on any block and get a temporary plan of the available moves before moving across the grid.

I could try and explain, but it’s best following the above picture. I’m on the white “2”block with 2 moves available. I go down 2 to get near the black” 2 “block, 2 to the right to get near the” 3″block, 3 up and then 3 across to the exit.

Players will advance to the next level, where the puzzle gets slightly trickier each time.

It’s a well executed and thought out puzzler, that soon requires careful thought and planning to solve each level and Ground Control have no major Tom or major issues to contend with here.

Overall, a nice little intelligent puzzle game to relax with… Enough Zhed!!

Thanks to Ground Control Studios for the code.

Zhed will satisfy the puzzle players amongst you. It’s the kind of pen and paper type format given the digital treatment and not much else.
  • Cute puzzler
  • Quite clever
  • Not much depth
Graphics - 5
Sound - 6
Gameplay - 5.5
Value - 5.5
Written by
Spent over 40 years gaming and played plenty of titles over plenty of platforms. Handheld consoles seemed a natural progression with their portability and ease of use, and with technology forever advancing. It’s now great to play titles I used to play all those years ago…on the go! Switch and Vita are my two main favourites and any title with dark themes ..RPGs, first person or rogue-like my main interest…

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