Fit My Dog


Red Deer Games

Fit My Dog is a puzzle game developed and published by Red Deer Games. It was released on July 26, 2024. You can purchase Fit My Dog on the Nintendo eShop for $6.99.


Fit My Dog Puzzle Board 1

In the game Fit My Dog you must fit all of the dogs into the space provided. There are a variety of shapes that the dogs will come in, and 96 levels to complete.


Fit My Dog Puzzle Board 2

The gameplay is very simple, but that is the deception. While it is simple the puzzles continue to be trickier as the levels progress. You can rotate the dogs to fit the space provided. The one complaint I have about the controls. The pieces sometimes don’t click into place when you try to put them in.


Fit My Dog Puzzle Board 3

The background music is pretty simple, and blends in well with anything else you are doing.


Fit My Dog

There isn’t really any story to speak of, but there doesn’t need to be one.


You can buy Fit My Dog for $6.99 on the Nintendo eShop. It’s not too high a price, but it will be much lower as time goes on. There are at least 96 levels, so you will get your monies worth regardless what you pay for the game.


Fit My Dog is a puzzle game for the Nintendo Switch. It was published and developed by Red Deer Games. The game isn’t revolutionary by any means, but it is a lot of fun to play. I was able to play the game and do other things very effortlessly. I do hope that in an update they can work on the mechanisms a bit to make it easier to place the dogs on the board.

Fit My Dog is a puzzle game for the Nintendo Switch. It was published and developed by Red Deer Games. The game isn't revolutionary by any means, but it is a lot of fun to play. I was able to play the game and do other things very effortlessly. I do hope that in an update they can work on the mechanisms a bit to make it easier to place the dogs on the board.
  • Fun gameplay
  • Lots of Levels for the price
  • Story doesn't exist
Gameplay - 8
Graphics - 7.5
Story - 6
Sound - 7
Value - 8.5
Written by
My interest in handheld gaming started when I was in high school. I was obsessed with getting a Game Gear. I was so excited to have a relatively high quality gaming experience (for the time) with me wherever I went! As I became an adult, handheld gaming always maintained an important part in my life. I was thrilled to take my handheld gaming to the next level when I got a Playstation Vita, and later a Nintendo Switch. My go-to genres are arcade racers, and RPGs. While I don’t really like games like Minecraft, the Dragon Quest Builders series compelled me so much. I spent over 200 hours between the two entries.

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