Aardman studios fantastic Home sheep Home games,finally arrive on Nintendo Switch.
Packaging all the previous titles that were previously released on mobile platforms.This new edition comes ram packed with new extras,new levels and a new party mode in Home Sheep Home:Farmageddon Party Edition.

Aardman Studios are no strangers to releasing top quality,entertaining products. The team behind such classics as Wallace and Gromit,Shaun the Sheep,Creature Comforts and Chicken Run,have put their superstar creation Shaun in his very own physics based puzzle adventure computer game.
Set over some 200+ levels.Shaun and his pals Shirley and Timmy,are tasked with completing each level by simply reaching the far right of the screen and past a set finishing post.
If only it was that simple!

Each level has a set number of hazards to challenge our trio of woolly chums.From a rolling tractor wheel,locked doors,swings and trampoline to unreachable door buttons.Our team have the unenviable task of reaching the goal in the quickest time,with up to 3 stars graded for each level and a few extra socks to pick up on the way!
Of course,our sheep have a few extra tricks up their fleece..

Shaun with the ability to jump higher and move quicker.Shirley,the heavier tank(or should that be shank?) of the group can move objects,using weight to her advantage and finally little Timmy can be small enough to move through tiny gaps like underground waste pipes to reach inaccessible areas.Each sheep with the ability to stack on top of each other to reach higher areas.
Each chapter is themed with a set number of puzzles to each chapter.From the opening farmland areas of mossy bottom farm.Other unlocked chapters include an underground area,the Uk capital of London (definitely Sheepless in Seattle!)and even Outer Space with a further chapter of party mode levels,to play with friends, over a fairground theme and helped by a friendly alien.

Naturally,the main focus is the story mode and apart from the party mode extras,there is no online mode.Meaning players won’t need to connect ad-floc or use wireless lam connection!
Visually,it’s clear that the developers have spent a lot of time on the graphical look of this game. The title is most definitely reminiscent of a child’s storybook with an hand painted touch to everything,and is most certainly polished and impressive.I just felt a little disappointed that the team that gained massive success and recognition from the close up animation of creatures facial expressions,is lost here with the new graphical aesthetic and far out camera view.
Of course,that would have required extra animations at a lot more time and cost,and while I fully appreciate the new look.There most certainly is more reliance on the already established fan base with luckily,a very fine collection of puzzles and solid presentation to back it up.

Overall,this is a very solid title that can appeal to all ages.
There is a welcoming 3 level tutorial and a difficulty that slowly increases at a decent pace as you progress through the chapters,making this game really accessible for the ewser.Each level changing the physics and allowing variety in the challenges,without any degree of boredom setting in.
Aardman studios have a gem of a title that makes it one of the best puzzlers on the Switch to date. Certainly not at all sheepish in quality and entertainment value…and not fleecing you on the price.
Home Sheep Home:Farmageddon Party Edition most certainly raises the baaar!
Splendid !
Thanks to the brilliant Aardman Animations for the code.